Friday, September 5, 2008


Grandma asked me to post an update so here goes. Teresa and I are still camped out here and checking in on Tami regularly for those who have been following the play by play her intercranial pressure as of now is hanging out around 14-15 for the most part and there seems to be a visible decrease in the swelling of her head and face. For the information of anyone whose not sure what the pressure means the doctors want it to stay below 20 so she's doing good there. Thats good news and I will take every tiny bit of improvement I can get. Its been a regular reunion around here with old friends and family coming by to show love and support to which I'm sure Tami would say thanks but you didn't have to. I hope my blogging style doesn't bother anyone but I've never been one to dance around the subject. I guess what it boils down to is that a hundred feet from me is a young woman of unimaginable strength who is hanging on with everything she's got and no more willing to give up now than she was some 25 years ago, and though she's unconcious I'm certain she knows her family and friends are here to help her win this fight. Thank to everyone for all the love and assistance they are giving to Tami and her family. 143 all Travis


Grandma Ann said...

Thanks Travis! I'm sorry you have to go home. . .but I know you have a birthday party to attend. Give Maggie a hug for me! I'm lovin' Lilli and Ella and their Papa is headed to SLC to see Tami. I know we're all praying that this beautiful little family will be together soon. I had a call from Devron a couple of hours ago and she said Tami 'looked' improved today . . . a little more peaceful. We'll take even snippets of good news and give thanks. Love and prayers, from Grandma Ann

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am one of Albert's cousins in Virginia. We heard about what happened and are so deeply sorry. I have some pictures of Tami that I wanted to send you from my wedding in Vegas where Tami and Albert showed up for. If you could send me you e-mail address or a way to send pictures to you that would be great. Tami is such a sweet woman and I always told her to take care of my little cousin (Albert). I think Lily was like 1 at our wedding and me and the wife remember dancing with her. She's so cute. And seeing pictures of Ella, she is so adorable too. Please shoot me an e-mail when you get a chance. Tami and her family are in our prayers.

Love, Lynn, Bill, Taylor, Jill, Layla...

Anonymous said...

I want to thank everybody for all of your support and prayers. As the day goes on each and every one of your prayers helps fight the good fight for life. The girls are fine with me we pretend mom is at work they get to play and go on bike rides to the local park. after i feed them dinner is when we go on a ride or have dance parties in our livingroom. i keep things as normal as possible. it is hard to see my Tami in the shape she is in but we can all get through this and have a great wecome home party for her. Thank you for all of your support and prayers. sincerly Albert apablasa. Lilliauna Apablasa,and Ella Apablasa.

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is Albert's FAVORITE cousin Anna. I just wanted to tell my FAVORITE cousin Albert that I am so proud of him! My heart aches for this family and I believe in the angels that are watching over Tami and will bring her home to her beautiful daughters and Albert. I saw Tami on saturday and she was watching over her daughters.....patiently and lovingly.....happily......she is a wonderful mom. I have shared Tami's story with friends and family......and now people that have never met her are praying for her. I believe in miracles and hope. I believe in family. Tami has all of these things and more and that is why she will get better and be a wonderful mom to Lilli and Ella again! I LOVE YOU ALBERT! Take care of yourself cousin!