Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tues. Sept 23rd

From Teresa.... It's been an eventful day so far. Tami was up in her wheel chair first thing this morning. Her head and neck muscles are getting stronger each day. They did the scope thing to check on her swallowing abilities. She did quite well. The speech therapist will be back in this afternoon to let her eat some more. Also PT and OT hopefully. The catheter was removed yesterday afternoon and so was the chest tube. Today they removed the arterial line in her right arm. Each thing out is one step closer to recovery. Yeah!!!!

I got a tour of rehab today and the lady in charge said tomorrow between 11:00am and 1:00 pm to move her up to the 12th floor hopefully. More later... Teresa.

1 comment:

George Family said...

It's so exciting to hear Tami's progress. She is in our thoughts and prayers everyday!