Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Note from Grandma Ann

I'm so proud of my family. You are all wonderful examples of love and faith. I know those who are able to be at or near the hospital are giving strength to our precious Tami. Teresa has always been an inspiration to me and the apple (Tami) didn't fall far from the tree.

We all know. . .Tami is SPECIAL! She is the SOFTEST and the STRONGEST person I have ever known.

I have seen Albert and Lilli the last two evenings. Ella was already asleep when I got there.

Albert is amazing with his girls. He worked today and then took the girls for a bike ride to the park. Then they came home and he cut the lawn with them frolicking in the back yard. I know because I talked to him and could hear them laughing and playing. He has the laundry done and their clothes for tomorrow neatly stacked and labeled and additional notes so those who come to care for them will be well informed. I know every ounce of his being wants to be with Tami, but he is doing all this other stuff because he loves his family and he knows this is the best way to honor his 'angel.' I am so proud of him.

I want to also applaud Albert's family. From the first time I met them I have felt their love as a family and their commitment to one another. Tami loves them and has told me she is blessed to have added them all to her family. They are helping him with the children and in any way possible. I thank them for all their efforts and their love.

Thanks to all for your support, love, faith, and prayers. I believe in MIRACLES.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Teresa et al...Love to you. Kids in Bev's Montessorie school in Park City sent "rainbows" to Tami yesterday. Bev would love to have you guys use her shower or take a nap, sleep overnight...whatever. Her # is 435-631-0216. She's gone a lot, so you'd have the place to yourself during day. Love and hopeful thoughts for all of you. Boys are praying too. Love, Jan