Monday, September 22, 2008

Morning update Sept.22nd

From Teresa... Last night one of Tami's nurses popped in to see her "awake". Candice had a few days off and Tami was still "asleep" the last time she took care of her. Candice kept telling Tami, "I'll let you slug me when you wake up." She was THRILLED to see Tami with her eyes open and hear that she could talk. I loved Candice with Tami. She called her "sweetie" and "beautiful" and had the sun shining into the room. She stimulated her and encouraged her to "go for it'. I promised Candice when Tami walks out of here we will track her down to say goodbye.

This morning occupational therapy was in and put Tami in a chair, and wheeled her around. She liked getting out of her room. They wore her out, so she's resting now. Depending on bed space , we should be moved up to rehab Tues. or Wed. More later... Teresa

1 comment:

Beau Scott said...

Awesome! Any guesses when it might be OK for her to have some friends in for a visit?
