Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hello everyone! It’s “Aunt Riley”! (I’m really Uncle Riley) “Aunt Riley is what Lily and Ella call me.
I had the opportunity to go see Tami this weekend.
When I first walked in the room she looked at me and said “hi Aunt Riley” just like her girls do to me. I was with her and Teresa for a couple of hours and I had a good conversation with Tami. I was surprised at how well she could communicate! Tami is so smart! It was amazing to me that she could remember so many small details about her life, my life and our family. She asked me questions about my girl’s birthdays and she told me that she was mad that she had slept through hers. (joke) I definitely got a sense that she still has the wit and humor we love about our Tami.

Physically, she is tired and in a lot of pain. She has lost a lot of weight and her face and head are swollen. She still cannot move anything on the left side of her body but she can feel some things on that side, which is encouraging. We think she can see a little out of her left eye and hear a little out of her left ear. With all that is happened to her, she of course, is still beautiful!

I am hopeful and optimistic for Tami but she is in for a long recovery. I sincerely believe she has the fight in her to do it but it is going to take a considerable amount of time.
In the mean time, she has a loving husband and two beautiful girls without the help of their mommy. They need all the support they can get!
Tami’s best friend Tawnya is such a sweetheart! The garage sale she organized was great and it raised some crucial funds to help their little family on the road to recovery. I went to the garage sale for awhile and while I was there I heard several stories of people who did not even know Tami donating whatever they could to help out our little princess.
I am writing to the readers of this blog, the families and friends of Tami, Albert and those little girls, and every other person that can help in any way. Tell her you love her! Please keep giving! And never stop praying!
I love and thank you all!
Uncle Riley

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