Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wed. Oct. 1st

From Teresa...The CT scan taken at 5:00am today looked good. The doctors don't want to give her blood thinners for at least 6 weeks in case she needs any more procedures. So they are now putting in a filter to catch any blood clots from her legs that could travel toward her heart or lungs. It gets inserted from her groin area up a vein right below her heart area. Then she will get taken back up to rehab on the 12th floor to her old room. (I've been holding our reservation by staying there at night.)

She is sore today and her eyes are swollen shut. But she can hear and talk. Fr. Bob Bussen popped in again today to see how she was doing. He gave her another blessing. After he left she said "Get the priest", I asked why? She said "I need lots of blessings". I told her his blessings were strong and one was enough for today.

Anyway...More later..Teresa

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