Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sun. Oct. 26th

From Teresa... Earlier in the week an ultra sound was done on Tami's legs and the blood clots were gone. So the Doctors wanted to remove the filter planted below her heart. It went in from the groin area and up a vein. It gets removed by going into the neck area and pulling it out through there. So about 11:30 on Thurs. a new IV line was needed. It took two different nurses and 4 tries to finally get one in! Yuck! Then Tami wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything until after the proceedure. So we waited, and waited, and waited, and waited.... AT 3:00 p.m. They called and said it would be two more hours because of all the emergency cases that kept comming in. At 5:00 p.m. my baby was really hungry and I've been trying to put weight back on her! This was not helping my cause! I kicked into "Mama Bear" mode. I told them either get her in or" Feed " her and do it tommorrow. They came back and said they were still three hours away and she could eat and go for it again tommorrow. She chose to EAT! It was the best pasta she had had all week! (Also she had been schedualed for an outing to Rumbis Island Grill for lunch that day followed by Stone Cold Creamery for dessert. It had been reschedualed.) So she was supposed to be the first patient at 7:30 a.m. on Friday. We were up and showered and dressed by 7:30. I checked with the nurses desk to see where we were on the plan for the day. They asked how Tami's clotting times were. I said nobody had been in to take any blood samples since last Sat. and she had the blood thinner shot the night before at 9:00 p.m.! So a blood sample was ordered stat. An hour later it came back o.k. I was still in "Mama Bear" mode so I warned the nurses I would be checking on things every hour on the hour. It was 12:00 noon when she was finally taken down to get it done. It was 1:30 p.m. when she was finished. All went well, although the doctor said her veins were dehydrated and he had a little difficulty with them.

Logan had arrived while she was getting it taken out. As soon as she was back in her room she was fed. The harp lady showed up and played for her while she ate.

Later, Albert and her girls arrived. Ella still doesn't like the whole hospital thing and the way her mom looks. But Lilli is just a doll with her mom. Feeding her, handing her things, loving her, and comforting her. So on Sat. Tami got to go on her outing for lunch. Ella was napping when we left so they joined us in time for the ice cream. Last night Lilli stayed the night with her mom and I. She was great and Tami loved it! They head back to St. George this afternoon. Anyway... More later.. Teresa.


Goulidng and Christina Stoddard said...

uggg Doctors you want to know what they think sometimes.... I am glad you had a nice day out. I think I am heading up to SLC this weekend what hospital are you in? would you like a visitor?

Anonymous said...

Hello Tami and Tami's mom! I am writing this for my grandma hernandez to tell you both that she reads this blog almost every day and is so happy to see that you are fighting your way back with your mom by your side! My grandma and all her daughters and son are praying for your recovery and return to your daughters and our cousin Albert. You are a amazing person Tami and you have inspired many to not take life for granted and to live in love and happiness! I am so proud to know you and look forward to the day I get to give you a big hug and see you as the best mom to Lili and Ella. We love you Tami!

Kristal said...

Tami I am so grateful that you are getting better and doing so well. Patty said it would probably be months and you are ahead of the game. That's great! Keep on chuggin'. We all can't wait to see you healthy and with your family again.
Love, Kristal