Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sat.Oct. 4th

From Teresa... Each day Tami can do just a tiny bit more than the day before. Baby steps. .. It's frustrating to her that she can't just jump out of bed and do everything for herself. (It would drive me nuts if I were in her place too.) I try to remind her how far she has come, but she just sees what she can't do yet. I know it's got to be hard. That's probably why there is a psychologist for the rehab floor and everyone is scheduled to see her automatically. Albert and Logan were both here today so I took advantage of them and ran some errands. It was nice to get out of the hospital for a break longer than just my workout at curves. I'm not whining, Tami has the hard part. I'm glad I CAN walk out of this building.

I do want to say "Bless You" to Aunt Monica for getting up and over to Albert's home every morning before 5:00 am so he can be to work on time and keep the bills caught up. Also to the rest of the family that shows up to help out throughout the day until Albert gets home from work. We each play our part, and it truly is appreciated. Those of you that live far away don't think you're not part of the process. Your prayers are priceless!!! We are counting on them! (prayers are not the Least that you can do... they are the Most that you can do!) We do believe in Miracles.

Anyway...thanks again... more later..Teresa


Anonymous said...

I want to thank each and every one that has helped. I'am so humbled by the support we have recived from everybody.We as a family are so blessed that you have reached out and touched our lives.This experiance has been nonforgetful and I need everybody to know that I'm greatful for the help and honerd that you have helped in any way you can.I am the kind of person who always trys to do and handle everything on my own and this has been amazing. so thank you from the bottom of my HEART. Sincerly :Albert

Anonymous said...

My tami looks so much better and sounds so wounderful it is truly a miricle all of our prayers are being answerd and looked at. This has been one of the most trying experiances ever and it's not over yet. Tami is making progress so fast it's amazing. I have been so happy to see her this visit she is a strong person and i admire her for her strength and will. I always knew she was incredible and I was lucky to fall in love with her and to have her fall in love with me..That nite I ran after her in our church parking lot was for a darn good reason.If you don't know thats when we first met the best and beginning of my life.. Thank you Albert...