Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tues.March 17th

From Teresa... Tami and I came to the library again, and I decided to see if the blog site would let both of us leave a message at the same time, (since we both are using Devron's password to get on,) so far so good. Well Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all. I tried to dress the little girls alike but Lilli has a mind of her own, so we settled for matching shirts and Lilli's Levis that had green leaves on the flowers on them. Tami put on a new green Tinkerbell shirt Grandma Rita sent down and her girls noticed it right away! They loved it that momma had on "Tink".

Last Thursday at the biofeedback apt. Tami was able to make her shoulder and tricep muscles respond. The therapist said it was a great first " baseline" reading. (some people have a flat line response.) She was able to make some mountain peaks. The great thing about it is that you can't cheat. It only records when you get the correct muscle. It also lets Tami know when she does it right, because it's hard for her to feel if she's actually moving any muscles at all in the left side. It doesn't hurt, so she would love to try as long as they will let her. There is good signal in her arm still, it will just take time to reprogram her brain again. YEAH!!!! I understand there are only about 17 places around the country that have this technology available for rehab purposes. The therapist Steve is a dear,(kind, gentle, patient, knowledgeable, and encouraging). Can you tell we like him? Anyway... we can't wait for the next apt. on Thursday. He told Tami she wouldn't be tying her shoes tomorrow, but with time and hard work she could be one day.

The stroke support group is also on Thursday. A lot of the people in the group have worked with Steve and had great things to say about the biofeedback therapy.

Tami is walking straighter and has better balance after each therapy. I see improvement weekly. I try to remind her how far she has come in the last 6 months. The face wash and gel the dermatologist prescribed seems to be working. Yeah! It's hard enough to deal with physical limitations without having your face break out too! So one thing at a time, we're hanging in there the best we can. Anyway ...more later, Teresa.

1 comment:

Grandma Ann said...

Good Morning! The blog is wonderful! I know everyone is thrilled to hear from both of you. YOU ARE BOTH AMAZING!!! It's a blessing to all that we don't walk in your shoes, but you are both inspirational and heart-warming. HANG IN THERE! I know you will. I leave tomorrow for D.C. (the tooth isn't cooperating. . but I will be distracted so maybe it won't hurt so much.) LOVE TO ALL OF YOU! ENJOY THE SUNSHINE. Love, Grandma Ann