Monday, August 3, 2009

Aug. 3, 2009

From Teresa... I had a few days off in a row and a dear co-worker picked up my Sunday shift, so I drove to St. George after work last Wednesday. I arrived at 9:00 pm. The little girls were already asleep, so I had to wait 'till morning to play with them. Doesn't EVERY grandma think her grandchildren are the sweetest, neatest, most wonderful things on the Planet! I DO! Anyway... we had fun!

On Thurs. we met Grandma Ann at the Olive Garden for lunch and then we went to Tami's bio-feedback apt. She's improving nicely in the last 6 weeks. The machine beeps each time she manages to move the muscle hard enough to reach the line that is set. When it beeped the girls would say "Good job mama!!! You did it!!! Yeah!!" It was so cute. She had her own cheering section. Thurs. evening Tami and Albert went to the movies and dinner while I got some quality time with my " angel babies."

Friday we took Tami to her apt. with her counselor. The girls and I explored and got lunch at the hospital cafeteria while she was busy.

Friday after work Albert went up to his Grandma Toni's to help her out at her farm and spent the weekend. His Aunt Becky and her girls stopped by Sat. night before they headed back to Calif. to visit Tami and the girls.

I tried to let Tami rest, and tried to do some things around the house that she might not get to for a while.

Lilli and I went to Mass Sat. night . Then on Sunday I took Tami and the girls to church at the Calvary Chapel. The girls wanted to wear their yellow "Belle" dresses. (from Beauty and the Beast). They looked so stinking cute! After church we went to Rick and Tracy's house and Aunt Tracy worked on Tami's hair color. Grandma Ann dropped by with great food and Uncle Rick inflated the huge water slide in the back yard. It was fun. Then it was time for me to head home again. Short but sweet. I told Lilli and Ella I would come back again when I get a few more days off in a row. More later, Teresa.

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