Friday, January 30, 2009

Fri. Jan.30th

From Teresa... The neurologist said the EEG showed the possibility of seizures so he wants Tami to stay on the keppra for at least a year to a year and a half to be safe. Unfortunately that's the expensive drug,(without a generic that works as well as the original,$144.00 for a 2 week supply.) But we don't want any seizures, so she'll continue it as long as needed. He also said her headaches we due to muscle strain in her neck. Because of her left side neglect she is holding her head at an angle and that puts strain on her neck. He offered to give her shots in her neck and forehead with something to numb it, but there is no gaurentee as to how long the reilef could last. Every patient is different. She said no thank-you to more needles right now. They told her if she changes her mind they will work her in an appointment. (Today she said she was thinking about it.)

The blood work on Wed. was right where it should be.(2.4) She took the last of the antibiotic today, so we will check the level again on Monday to see if it needs to be adjusted.

On Tues. the therapists really worked her out. She was tired when she got home and told Lilli that they "Kicked her butt", Lilli with eyes wide said "Why"! She was thinking literally. We laughed and tried to explain.(We have to be careful how we say things around those girls. Anyway more later...Teresa

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